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7 Important Health Benefits of Losing Weight

Every year, nearly 50% of adults make efforts to lose weight. Though reasons and motivation for weight loss vary, health is usually at (or near) the top of the list. 

It’s no secret that weight affects your health. Even losing as little as 5% of your current weight leads to improvements in physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

At Health Solutions, our medical experts know how hard it is to lose weight. That’s because no single diet or weight-loss tool works for all people. To help our patients lose weight and keep it off, we offer a medically supervised weight-loss program, and we design plans that match your individual health needs and weight goals.

Our weight-loss patients have many motivations for wanting to lose weight. Here, we want to share with you some of the health benefits of losing weight.

1. Good for your heart

Your heart is a strong muscle that supports the circulation of oxygen-rich blood to all the organs and tissues throughout your body. Carrying extra body weight places additional stress on your heart and may injure the muscle, increasing your risk of heart failure, says Johns Hopkins Medicine

In addition to lowering your high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol numbers, losing weight also reduces stress and strain on your heart and decreases your risk of heart failure. 

2. Reduces risk of diabetes

You’re three times more likely to develop diabetes if you’re overweight than if you’re at a normal weight. Diabetes is a chronic health condition that increases your risk of developing other serious health issues, such as heart disease, kidney disease, and neuropathy.

Losing weight lowers your blood sugar levels and may reduce your risk of developing diabetes. Weight loss for people with diabetes may also improve blood sugar numbers and risk of developing the associated health conditions. 

3. Improves joint health

Like your heart, extra body weight stresses and strains your joints and increases your risk of developing joint conditions like arthritis. Losing weight reduces stress on your joints, eases your current aches and pains, and may lower your risk of developing a chronic pain condition. 

4. Improves sleep

There’s a strong connection between weight and poor sleep quality. According to the Sleep Foundation, obesity may interfere with your metabolism and your sleep/wake cycle. Losing weight may reset your sleep cycle so you get a better night of rest.

Improving your sleep habits also improves your ability to take control of your weight. Sleep loss increases production of appetite-stimulating hormones that trigger overeating and weight gain. Getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night may help you maintain control over your hunger and your eating. 

5. Boosts energy levels

With better sleep, less pain, and a better overall sense of well-being, your weight-loss efforts may also give you an energy boost. Eating healthy and getting regular exercise also contributes to your increased desire to get out and go. 

6. Lifts your mood

The healthy habits we help you create to drop those unwanted pounds also benefit your mental well-being. When exercising, your body releases feel-good chemicals that immediately lift your mood. Additionally, regular exercise reduces stress and anxiety

7. Improves self-esteem and self-confidence

Appearance is one of the primary motivators for wanting to lose weight. Even dropping a few pounds makes you feel better about yourself, boosting your self-esteem and self-confidence. 

From your heart to your joints to your mood, losing weight benefits your overall health and well-being. Let us help you reach your weight goals. Call the office most convenient to you — we have offices in Tinley Park, Rockford, and Olympia Fields, Illinois, and Munster, Indiana — or book your consultation using the online button. 

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