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Why Exercise Is So Important If You Are Suffering From Arthritis

According to the CDC, nearly 23 percent of adults have been diagnosed with arthritis, a debilitating chronic inflammation of one or more joints. For many, the pain of arthritis becomes a barrier to physical activity, significantly reducing quality of life so much so that people with this condition slowly stop exercising and begin only engaging in absolutely necessary physical activity. This is unfortunate because exercise may be one major thing they can do to stop the progression of the condition and even reverse it. Check out why exercise is so important for arthritis sufferers.

1. It strengthens your muscles

Exercise strengthens the muscles around your joints, increasing joint stability and reducing pressure on the joint, which lessens stress on the joint itself and can get rid of some of that persistent arthritis pain.

2. It improves bone density

Exercise also works to improve stability by increasing bone density. This is particularly true with weight training, but you don't have to lift a 100-pound barbell to get these benefits. Using resistance bands, calisthenics, some forms of yoga, and small free weights can all contribute to greater upper body strength. If you don't currently walk around much, simply walking more can improve bone density in your legs and hips, reducing arthritis pain, improving balance, and lowering fracture risk.

3. You want to move more

It's really hard to get moving if you're accustomed to spending long hours on the sofa, reading a great book or watching TV, but the funny thing about exercise is that the more you do it, the more you want to do. If you just use your willpower to start the momentum, the exercise itself will propel you into a more active lifestyle. This happens for several reasons:

  1. Exercise makes your body produce hormones called endorphins. These are your body's positive reinforcement reward system. They make you feel good, so you want to do more.
  2. Exercise increases your energy. Exercise uses energy, but it also increases the efficiency of your body so you feel like you have more energy and working out more often becomes a no-brainer.
  3. You have less pain. Arthritis pain may be keeping you on the sidelines right now, but by doing the right exercises, you reduce arthritis pain and become better able to exercise.

4. It enhances joint lubrication

Our expert team advises those who exercise little not to suddenly try to run a marathon or they'll end up doing joint damage. Why? This is because joints dry out when they are unused and just like warming up a car, they need to start slow and work their way up to more intense exercise routines. When you exercise, joints produce more synovial fluid to lubricate the joints and bring oxygen and nutrients into the joint, not only improving how it moves now. It makes a more well-nourished joint over time.

5. It reduces inflammation

Because of the above benefits, inflammation in the joint goes down and less inflammation means less pain in your joints both during exercise and while sitting, watching TV. The joint is healthier and feels better all day long.

6. You have better range of motion

Exercising improves your range of motion so it becomes easier to do more and move more. You are less likely to pull or tear a tendon or ligament, which would cause more pain and inflammation. With exercise, everything just works better.

Exercise for arthritis

Exercise can help those suffering from arthritis in many ways. At Health Solutions, we remind patients to always speak with us prior to starting a new routine. In some cases, you may have loose cartilage, bone spurs, autoimmune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis), or other abnormalities that we address before recommending arthritis-improving exercise. Don't let arthritis pain keep you on the sideline. Call the Health Solutions location most convenient to you or book an appointment online today

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