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Tips for Maintaining Your Weight Loss During the Holiday Season

Tips for Maintaining Your Weight Loss During the Holiday Season

Losing weight is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and wellness. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t stop when you go on a diet and start working out. Another holiday season is here, so you have to be ready to navigate the inevitable temptations that will attempt to derail your progress. 

Our board-certified physicians at Health Solutions love this time of year just as much as you do. We also understand just how difficult it can be to stay on track of your weight loss when everyone around you is indulging. 

That’s why we make nutritional counseling and planning an essential component of our medical weight-loss program. We’re sharing our best holiday weight-loss hacks, so nothing stands in the way of you and the festivities. 

Your weight-loss journey and the holiday season

Over the coming weeks and months, you’ll be bombarded with holiday party invitations, family gatherings, and the nagging feeling that you should check the office break room to see if someone has brought in a platter of treats. 

Giving in to these temptations can ruin the progress you’ve made in your weight-loss journey. That’s why we’ve come up with the best tips and tricks to stay on track while still enjoying yourself.

Up your physical activity

People often refer to the time between Halloween and New Year’s Day as “national eating season” and for good reason. Most people consume more calories during the holiday season. 

With that said, one of the best things you can do to avoid losing steam is to increase your level of activity every week. For example, burning 1,000 calories through activities can help you lose (or not gain) 2.9 pounds. 

Every bit of exercise will go a long way during this time of year. Find ways to incorporate activity into your daily routine by getting the whole family involved or lacing up your sneakers on your lunch break to get in extra steps. 

Ask our team for the exercise programs we recommend based on your needs.  

Eat smart

That holiday party invitation looks like fun, but what kind of calorie-filled goodies are waiting for you? 

You can avoid overdoing it at a party by eating a filling, nutritious meal before heading out. If you’re already full before you arrive, chances are you won’t indulge in junk food. 

Don’t have time to cook and eat a full meal before your event? Grab some healthy snacks on your way and eat those instead of the cookies and other treats on the table, or ask the host if you can bring your own veggie platter or health-conscious dish to share with the group. 

No healthy alternative at the party? Consider using a napkin instead of a plate to help you maintain portion control. 

When it comes to drinks, your safest bet is to head straight for the cooler with the water bottles, but you can indulge in other beverages if you’re careful. 

If there’s alcohol, stick to only one or two drinks. Alcoholic drinks are packed with extra calories and can also contain a lot of sugar. It’s best to avoid soda and sugary beverages as well. 


Where you choose to hang out at the party is just as important as what you eat. Find a spot away from the kitchen or buffet table. Keep yourself moving and mingling to avoid loitering by the snacks. 

Keep yourself accountable

We know that losing weight even under normal circumstances can be difficult. Fortunately, our medical weight-loss program includes emotional and nutritional support to get you through the most tempting time of year. 

We help you create and keep a food diary to log what and when you eat, helping you make better diet choices. You come in for regular weight check-ins where we monitor your progress, offer advice, and answer your questions. 

We also help you get connected to online or in-person support groups to widen your support system. 

There’s no reason to be a Scrooge this holiday season. You can still be filled with holiday cheer and achieve your health and weight-loss goals.

Call Health Solutions at one of our four convenient locations in Illinois and Indiana, or book an appointment online today for full weight-loss support from our medical professionals or to get started on your weight-loss journey today.

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