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How to Select the Right Doctor for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief?

Characterized by chronic pain and widespread tenderness in the muscles and bones, fibromyalgia is a serious and painful syndrome. Although the exact cause is unknown, researchers say that people may experience this chronic pain after a surgery, infection, or a physical trauma. This then causes a disorder in pain processing in the Central Nervous System.

According to the NFA (National Fibromyalgia Association), fibromyalgia is the one of the most prevalent chronicconditions in the US affecting almost 10 million Americans. Women are at a higher risk to fibromyalgia pain than men. The difficulty in diagnosing this disorder is also notable, with patients visiting an average of 3.4 doctors before fibromyalgia is diagnosed.

Unfortunately, there is no specific cure for fibromyalgia but doctors inpain management can provide patients with significant pain control and functional improvement. Seeking help from the right doctor for fibromyalgia is important to achieve significant results in the fastest time. Therefore, when choosing a specialist for fibromyalgia pain relief focus on the following:

Experience is second to none. It is important that you visit an experienced pain management specialist because fibromyalgia is not easy to diagnose, and will require chronic treatment. Specialists who have not dealt with many cases of fibromyalgia may not be able to diagnose it quickly.

The longer it takes for the doctor to diagnose, the longer it will take to develop the treatment regimen that will improve your function. Therefore, schedule a visit with a pain management specialist who has hands-on experience in diagnosing and managing fibromyalgia pain.

When you’re in chronic pain, you want a specialist who can provide you with quality treatment, as well as foster a relationship that has empathy and compassion. As fibromyalgia is a chronic condition, you need a specialist who is able to develop an ongoing positive relationship with patients. This will allow for any necessary adjustments in treatment to happen in a seamless fashion.

The combination of pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacotherapy is the best way to help patients manage this condition effectively. Because this illness can give patients physical and psychological discomfort, it is optimal to develop a treatment plan that is comprehensive. Non-pharmacotherapy includes elements like diet, exercise, wellness education, sleep therapy, behavioral therapy and stress management techniques. Pharmacotherapy includes the use of medications like analgesics, skeletal muscle relaxants, and antidepressants. Using a comprehensive treatment plan will result in a global improvement in function.

For more information, quick diagnosis and quality pain management treatments, get in touch with us. Health Solutions is one of the leading pain management clinics in Illinois with a team of experienced pain management specialists. Call on +1.7088029355 to schedule your appointment.

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