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3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Hemorrhoid

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore a Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoids affect about three-quarters of Americans at some point during their lifetimes, causing symptoms like pain, burning, itching, and sometimes even rectal bleeding. Because they’re so common, it’s easy to think of hemorrhoids as little more than a nuisance—a “minor” problem that will go away on its own. In the meantime, we just have to “deal with it.”

Actually, while some very mild hemorrhoids will go away with a little TLC, other hemorrhoids can cause complications, which is a very good reason why you shouldn’t ignore these troublesome, swollen veins. 

At Health Solutions in Tinley Park, Rockford, and Olympia Fields, Illinois, and Munster, Indiana, our expert providers know that even “mild” hemorrhoids can make life uncomfortable. That’s why he offers an array of hemorrhoid treatments based on each person’s symptoms and needs. Here are three reasons why seeking medical treatment for your hemorrhoids is important for your health, wellness, and quality of life.

1. They probably won’t go away

Hemorrhoid symptoms can be relieved. But without targeted professional treatment, there’s a good chance they’ll come back. 

Hemorrhoids happen for many of the same reasons as varicose veins: The blood vessels in or near your rectum become swollen, distended, and irritated. Once a vein is weak, it’s more likely to bother you again in the future.

Even though you might find relief with over-the-counter creams or medicated pads, you can still wind up with chronic, recurring symptoms. That means you can expect continuing problems with pain, burning, and even blocked bowel movements.

Our team customizes hemorrhoid treatments, coupling medical care with lifestyle guidance, so you can find relief now and help prevent symptoms later on.

2. They can bleed—a lot

Not all hemorrhoids bleed, but when they do, they can wind up bleeding a lot. In fact, some people have so much blood loss, they develop anemia

A thrombosed hemorrhoid is a hemorrhoid that fills up with blood. These swollen hemorrhoids often eventually burst open, causing significant bleeding along with a lot of pain. Once a hemorrhoid bursts, it may be more prone to serious infection.

3. They might become strangulated

A hemorrhoid is “strangulated” when the blood flow in the area is cut off, often by a large clot that forms inside the vein. Strangulated hemorrhoids are extremely painful.

Without medical treatment, a strangulated hemorrhoid can lead to tissue death (necrosis). Most strangulated hemorrhoids require prompt medical treatment to prevent serious complications.

Bonus reason

There’s one more reason not to ignore your symptoms: Hemorrhoids might not be the cause. Some symptoms of hemorrhoids, like bleeding, can also be associated with other medical problems, like cancer. 

Ignoring your symptoms or assuming they’re caused by hemorrhoids means you could delay diagnosis and treatment of a life-threatening medical problem. Scheduling an evaluation with our team is the best way to determine if you’re dealing with hemorrhoids or another issue.

Don’t ignore your hemorrhoids

Why suffer from painful hemorrhoids when you don’t have to? We can determine the best treatment plan to help you find relief and avoid serious complications. To learn more, book an appointment online or over the phone with Health Solutions today.

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